С начала ликвидации последствий ЧС на побережье Черного моря волонтерам раздали более 100 тысяч порций горячей еды
In the aftermath of the disaster on the Black Sea coast, more than 100,000 meals have been provided to volunteers.
Local authorities and consumer organizations have set up field kitchens to provide food to those in need. Additionally, they have organized transportation to deliver meals to harder-to-reach areas.
Beyond providing sustenance, these efforts aim to create a sense of normalcy and cheer during the holiday season. Warmth is also provided at dedicated points for volunteers and disaster relief specialists, equipped with heating devices to combat the harsh weather.
In the aftermath of the disaster on the Black Sea coast, more than 100,000 meals have been provided to volunteers. Local authorities and consumer organizations have set up field kitchens to provide food to those in need. Additionally, they have organized transportation to deliver meals to harder-to-reach areas. Beyond providing sustenance, these efforts aim to create a sense of normalcy and cheer during the holiday season. Warmth is also provided at dedicated points for volunteers and disaster relief specialists, equipped with heating devices to combat the harsh weather.